2 Month Well Check

We were being silly at the Pediatrician’s Office.
My Aunt Beverly went with us, and I am glad, because I forgot my camera and she had hers!
Well, Katy Pierce had her two month well  check about three weeks ago.  It went great and the doctor said she looked healthy and perfect!
In all of her measurements she was above average on weight, height, and her head circumference.  The Doctor said, “She is above average in everything.”  To which I replied… “That’s how we make ’em in the Parkison Family.”  He laughed…thankfully.  ðŸ™‚  Have I mentioned how much I love our pediatrician!  He really is awesome.  Loves the Lord and is adopting too. His family just got their referral for their adoption of a little boy, so we are excited for them!
Katy Pierce weighed in at 12 lbs. 9oz and measured in length at  22 3/4 in.
At two months, she is right on target for the things she is supposed to be doing like… tracking objects with her eyes, making eye contact, cooing, and the best…. SMILING!
I still can say that she has been the best baby!  She seems so mild natured and sweet.  She smiles a lot and rarely cries.  Pretty much if she cries… you know something is bothering her.
She sleeps great.  She started sleeping through the night regularly at about 8 weeks while we were on vacation in SC.  She usually goes down about 9:30pm or 10pm and does not wake up until about 6am or 7am.  Which is awesome!!!
She loves to eat, like everyone else in this family.  And, as she is getting older, she is burping easier. 
 I still have her sleeping in the pack-n-play in my room at night.  Which is totally not what I did with the boys.  They were in my room at the longest 2 weeks.  I don’t know if it is because I am pretty sure she is my last baby, or if it is because she makes these funny sounds while she sleeps.  And, I know I would be running to check on her all the time in her own room???  For now, she sleeps in my room still.
But what I do know, is that we are madly in love with this little girl.  There IS something different about having a girl.  Her Daddy is completely head over heels, and her brothers aren’t far behind.  I find myself just doting all over her too.  And, I don’t even know how to describe it, but I do find myself treating her a little differently.  Not better than the boys, because I am for sure head over heels for them too… I almost think I treat her like she is more fragile and more dainty.  It’s hard to explain… but she is special!  ( Just like my boys!)  Now if we can only get big sister here from India too!
She is now starting to look more like her brothers, which means she will probably look more like Daddy…. No comment!  ðŸ™‚  I mean, all three of them are super cute, so that is great that she looks like them. I just thought I might get one child to look sort of like me, but it appears I am just grasping at straws for that idea!  Either way, she is super cute with that dark hair and those blue eyes!

Here is KP getting weighed and measured.

One of those smiles I mentioned above

Dr. Rosser is the bomb!

Big smile for Daddy!

And, here is my little sad girl after shots.  She was not happy!  In fact, most of the day she was pretty miserable.  She cried a lot (which is unusual) and was uncomfortable.  The boys cried some when they got shots, but seemed to move past it after a couple of hours.  Not this one… she is showing that she is more dainty and fragile.  After all, she is a princess!  At least, that’s what her brothers think!