Here are some things that have been said in our house
lately by Seth…
“Mommy, I preddy cute.” (my personal fav)
“Pway for friends.”
“Sef share Jesus.”
“I take Bible.”
“I pway back yard.” “Wevi my bruder.” “I share Mommy.” “I go Sef’s house.” “I wan go high.” (talking about his swing)
“Hey Mommy, I wake up.”
“Look Mommy…a watermedon.”(watermelon)
But he is pointing to the water tower near church.
Pointing up to an airplane in the sky…
“Look…Mimi go Miss-sippi”
(A day after she left)
Then his imagination has just taken off recently.
Recently, he ran into a class room at church and ran right back out…
“Mommy, a di-saur (dinosaur) in da room. Help me.”
Occasionally, he is harassed by the local jungle
animals in our house.
“Mommy, monkey pull my shirt.” “Ef-phant step on it, mommy.” “Tiger, where are you?” Sometimes I feel like we are in the movie Jumanji. 🙂