My husband was gone for 10 days on a mission trip to South Africa. He went with 10 other members from our church. He had an awesome time and he said he had never been on a trip that was sooo evangelistic. Last night, the group shared about the trip and you can tell that God just moved!
For instance, part of their trip they were supposed to hold a Vacation Bible School and were told to expect 50 kids. Well, God said…how about 263 kids. 🙂 They said it was a challenge, but God made it work. They also got the chance to share the gospel in schools, which is a big deal…because schools there are like the ones here in the U.S…..where you aren’t supposed to talk about religion. But the Lord opened the door! They also did home visits to those dying of aids and delivered goods to those families. They showed the Jesus film in the Zulu language every night and then held a church service. They saw numerous kids, teens, and adults come to know Jesus as their personal Savior.
I am so thankful to belong to a church that puts such an emphasis on missions and I so thankful for my missional husband!!!