It appears to have been a rough night

Scott and I have been trying really hard to change some bad habits.  You know… the one where you let the baby fall asleep in your arms and then lay him down.

Since Seth was two weeks old, we were very blessed for him to start sleeping through the night- 12 hours.  Praise the Lord!  He did have a few periods here and there when he would wake up, but that was mainly after traveling or sleeping somewhere other than his crib.
Well, about 2 weeks ago, he started waking up once or twice a night.  He wasn’t hungry, he just wanted comfort.  As soon as I would pick him up, he would crash out in my arms and I would lay him back down.
Dr. Joe told us we have got to start laying him down awake, so he can learn to soothe himself to sleep.  Plus around 9 months (so I have read) is when children usually develop separation anxiety.  They don’t like to be away from parents, or be with strangers, or be alone.  The book said…”They have to learn that even when they are by themselves, Mommy and Daddy are still there.”
That’s right were still there!  Were taking pictures of you in the middle of the night and making fun of the way you are sleeping!

Scott checked in on him around 11:30 last night and this was how he found him.  He laid him back down and then the next morning…