Merry Thanksmas

Because our families live out of town, we don’t always get together on the traditional days to celebrate. But, my Mom always says it is not as much about the actual day, as it is getting together and being with each other.  So this year, we celebrated Thanksmas… something we have done in the past, while we are home for Thanksgiving we go ahead and do Christmas.
Here is Pops reading the Christmas Story from the Bible.
Hudson being so attentive sitting on the floor and listening… he is so cute!

Lyla was so excited about opening presents…and that is an understatement!

KP showing off her goodies!

The boys huddled around Grammy

At this point my camera died.  My sister in law took some pics for me, so I will have to get them from her, but Lyla was hysterical opening presents.  She was so excited about each little item and once they were all opened she had to go around and display them for everyone over and over again….to the point of being obnoxious.  Even as we were laying she and KP down for the night, she was still going on and on about her presents and KP who is 19 months looked at her and said… “Hush Lyla.”  🙂
That night of Thanksmas, just got me even more excited about Christmas in our own home and having all of my kids here together.  Last year we were highly anticipating Lyla and little Joel!
It feels so complete now!  All I want for Christmas…I already have!