TBC Block Party

Before Vacation Bible School started we kicked off the week with a Block Party.  The forecast for the day was not good at all.  In fact, all week the weather reports were showing heavy rain and thunder storms.
Sunday morning at church it was raining and everyone was asking if we should cancel…
But I just begged everyone to start praying that the weather would just miss us.
Let me tell you…. the prayers of TBC must be powerful, because the weather was perfect for just the right amount of time.    It was overcast, and not too hot or muggy.  And the Lord not only blessed us with great weather, but a lot of visitors and great church fellowship!  As soon as the block party was over it began to rain!  God, you are so faithful!
My food tent volunteers

Mr. Russell the grill master

Levi and one of hid best buds from church

Seth with his buddy

Great women of Faith and and dear friends at TBC

Scott chowing down

Levi riding the train with sweet little Cora… notice he is holding her hand.  ðŸ™‚

Here is a snapshot of some of the visitors enjoying the party!
I think after registration we counted 88 unchurched visitors.  It was worth the stress over weather and the prayers!!!