Trick or Treat

Okay, so I am week behind, but I had a busy week last week getting geared up for our ladies dinner at church. Here are my precious Trick or Treaters!

Race Car driver and Iron man. I did have someone ask me if Levi was Ricky Bobby. (I thought my sister would think that was funny… Shake n Bake)

Running to the wagon. Seth was so excited!

Levi not too far behind!

A group from church went out together. We had Elvis, Yoda, a Hot Dog and more!

Coming down the street

Levi getting the “How to” from Elvis. Levi did not quite grasp the concept though. He did his best to go inside every house we stopped at… making it into a living room once.

Seth giving me the thumbs up for candy, but he must have had a piece stuck in his teeth here.

Yoda hitched a ride