First, lets go ahead and establish that Tennessee BBQ is delicious! A family in our church annually hosts a BBQ at their home. YUMMY and B-E-A utiful!
While my picture doesn’t do it any justice…the cotton fields behind the house were stunning! Not to mention all the beautiful church people! 🙂
We had a little blue grass to go with the BBQ!
Scott getting his “Girl Fix”… he keeps saying he needs a girl. We’ll see! 🙂
Levi loved playing on the tractor while Seth was busy playing hide-n-seek with the big kids.
Here is Levi getting his “Grammy Fix”. This is my friend Shana. Levi really loves her. While they aren’t twins or anything… I think she has some similarities to my Mom. He usually goes right up to her and wants to be held by her. I think she is like his Grammy away from home.
It was an awesome fellowship…I am already looking forward to it next year!