Another lesson learned…

I continue to learn some valueablee spiritual lessons through out this whole process…
One has to deal with distractions.
 I am learning with Lyla that she does not have as many tantrums, and break downs if I can minimize all of the chaos.  Lots of times it helps if she and I can just be one on one.  Now don’t get me wrong here… I am so thankful for everyone that has housed us and all their kiddos, and the activities, because they too have also helped Lyla.
But she is most calm and seems more at peace when we are one on one.
I was really thinking about this concept while were in Ahmedabad, and God showed me again… I am the same way.  He desires to have one on one time with me.  He knows it is beneficial to me.  It brings me peace, it keeps me calm, it gives me security, and it gives me love.
Too easily I can get distracted by things that can draw me away from time with Him, and my life can soon become chaotic and I might even throw my own version of a tantrum.
It has been a great reminder of how important one on one time with Him is in my life!
This adoption process has been incredible. I am learning so much about myself and being challenged spiritually.  I also think I will become a better parent to all of my children, because of this experience.
Lyla thank you for making me a better Mom!  I love you!