As the day went on, especially closer to dinner time, she was her old self again…playing, laughing, squealing.
She was taken back upstairs for them to do an echocardiogram, to check out the device. They said it looks great. They said she will be 100% healthy. The doctor even said, “She will probably even start to get chubby in the next few weeks.” He said she was definitely showing signs of anemia, but knew she would be better now.
She will have to be on some medications for 6 months, to prevent blood clots in her heart around the device. But after that, she will be good to go!
They said they wanted to see her one more time in the morning, and then we would be discharged! Looking forward to being out of the hospital! And praising God for looking after my sweet one!
Thanks again for the prayers!
Headed to bed now.
So glad to hear this great news!