Back in the Action

(Here is Seth with a button supporting Aunt Courtney in the pageant!)
Sorry it has been a while…between the Miss SC pageant and moving to NC it has been hectic. Plus we just got Internet access in our house this weekend. I feel like I have to give everyone more updates…Sorry this will be long!
Courtney got 2nd runner up in the Miss SC Teen Pageant. Thanks for all of your prayers and support for her. Although it is hard to lose…(at least to me it is, because I am so competitive) the girl who won is a friend of hers and will do a great job at Miss America Outstanding Teen. Who knows…maybe Courtney will give it a shot again next year!

Another great thing that happened at the pageant was a booth being set up to raise support for our troops. Through the giving people that attended the Miss SC pageant, we were able to collect enough items and letters that we were able to send about 36 boxes of goodies for the soldiers that aren’t receiving anything. What a blessing! But I would still appreciate any one’s help is interested in writing letters to the soldiers!

Last Sunday, after pageant week was over, I packed up the last of my things and drove to my new home in North Carolina. I will admit I cried all morning saying goodbye to my family, and I cried almost the whole 4 hour drive thinking of friends and different memories I have in Greenville, SC. But the second I started seeing signs for Raleigh, I started getting excited about this new adventure I know God is leading my family on.

It was great seeing Scott after a week of missing him and also so much fun to see my new house that I LOVE LOVE LOVE! The church also had a welcome reception for us that evening and it was such a wonderful time meeting our new church family. It already feels like home, because everyone is so loving and giving.

We have also been blessed with wonderful meals all week long by church members and people have signed up to feed us for at least a month…God is good…and so is the food! ha

Thanks to the help of our music minister’s three oldest children, I have every box in the house unpacked, but I admit everything is still everywhere. I am so slow at organizing things. Plus, I feel I struggle in the decorating department, so it takes me forever to figure out where to put things….(HINT HINT…Aunt Beverly please come help…this is my silent plea asking for your decorating skills!!!) 🙂
But I do have the kitchen and the master bedroom mostly finished. Seth’s room next. I do have to brag and say that I have already filled up six huge boxes of stuff to get rid of. I am bragging because it is hard for me to part with things. It is either sentimental or I think I will need it again in the future. But I have been strong! 🙂
Well I think that is mostly it…We had a great service yesterday on scriptures from Isaiah about worship. It was awesome. And we had a boy get saved! I also participated in a skit to promote VBS. I acted like a cheerleader from the old Saturday Night Live routines. It was filmed, so maybe I can get it on the blog for you all to see. More pics of Seth coming soon to a blog near you…