This is Kam, Seth’s BFF.  They met in 4K in Ms. Cathy’s class and then  they were in Kindergarten together, and now first grade together.
Kam, was Seth’s first spend the night friend, and Seth’s first spend the night out (besides family) was with Kam.  Needless to say the boys are best friends.
Right at the beginning of the school year, Kameron had some very scary health problems.  He started having major seizures, which led him to be air lifted to Vanderbilt’s Children’s Hospital.  He is doing amazing now.  He has some therapy, and some medications he is on, but soooo much better than everyone originally thought.  He has even returned to school now.
But of course why he was in the hospital, Seth had to go see his best friend.  Seth climbed up in the bed with him and they played the iPad.  They also watched Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.  Kam’s parents said that was the most active he had been in days.  I was proud of my Seth for praying for him.  It was very sweet.
We are so happy that he is well now!!!