First, the news…my brother will be home for his 2 week R&R tomorrow! I am so excited for him to be home, to be with Emily, and to be with family. Right now he is in Ireland and will be here sometime tomorrow afternoon!!!! Yay!!! We all should be going to see him on Wednesday. Seth and Brent will meet for the first time!
Second, the big purchase…Raleigh has this awesome thing they do twice a year called Kidsexchange. It is basically a huge consignment sale for children’s clothing and items. It takes place at the Raleigh Fairgrounds and the entire building is filled with everything you can imagine. If you volunteer, you can shop before the sale starts…so that’s what I did. Thanks to my super friend Pam Pittenger who also volunteered, just so she could be an extra set of hands for me when it was actually time to shop. I am so glad she was there…I could have never carried all of the great stuff around on my own …or make decisions about what to buy…or walk away from the toys! 🙂
Thanks to Christmas money given to me from Grandparents I was able to buy all of these items for an incredible price…right under $200.00. I hate to even name what I spent, but I wanted to show you how much I got for the money. It was like having Christmas all over again. However, I was smart and shopped ahead for most things…clothes and toys. Only a few things he can use right now! If you get a chance…GO! I know tomorrow everything is 50% off, but they will do it all again in July. For more info…Check out the Kidsexcahnge website!
I also have two items that I can’t really talk about because they are a surprises that I picked up for Aunt Beverly to give to her grandchildren…But trust me they are so cool and such a great deal!
Also, for some strange reason a John Deer Outfit with a hat is not pictured, but Scott loved it!
Every boy needs a rocking horse! Some summer sandals as well…sorry Mom…I know boys shouldn’t wear sandals!
This is a swing and a walker I picked up for Miss Peggy at church..these two pieces were $16.00. What a deal!