Boys and their Books

I am so happy that both of my boys seem to enjoy reading. They often sit down to look at books at Seth’s little table.

In the past few weeks, Seth has really gotten into reading his Bible. Although, he can’t read a single word, nor does it have any pictures…He is carries it with him lots of places, and looks through it… at home, in the car, at restaurants, etc. This brings me so much joy. I hope God is already developing Seth to have a love for His word. Seth told me the first time he started looking through it… “Mom, this is a great book! You should try it!” 🙂

Seth and his little Bible. He just took it with him to Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) this past Wednesday and his teacher and myself offered to hold it for him during his class, so it wouldn’t get messed up. He did not want us to take it from him. When I came back at the end of class… the teacher said Seth only let it go to play with play-dough. And, he asked to have it back when he was finished.

Isaiah 55:11
…so is my word that goes out from my mouth:
It will not return to me empty,
but will accomplish what I desire
and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.