Have I mentioned yet how thankful I am for the adopting moms that have gone before me, and shared their…
What an experience we have had so far with adopting Lyla. I honestly came into this with no expectations. What…
Monday…today we got up early and had a delicious Indian breakfast in the hotel. We were a little nervous about…
On Sunday we had to wake up really early to get to the air port to fly to Hyderabad. We…
Please pray for our rest! I am so thankful for the moms that have gone before me and shared their…
India has cookies in honor of Phil on Duck Dynasty! If you don’t watch Duck Dynasty, you won’t get my…
If you have ever watched the movie, “Little Mermaid”, then you know a dinglehopper is a fork. Well Lyla has…
Our first day with her there were moments of grief for her. She has teared up several times today. But…
On the ride home from the orphanage back to the hotel, I was prepared with a plastic bag for her…
We arrived at the orphanage, and walked straight into a room that was kind of like a lobby. It was…