Grammy, Pops, and Aunt Courtney came up for Christmas. We had a great time. We roasted marshmallows that we decorated ourselves and ate some delicious steak on the grill.

Then on Christmas Eve we went to church and came back home for a Happy Birthday Jesus party.

Daddy read the Christmas story and we all went night night.

Aunt Courtney and Seth waiting to come downstairs and see what Santa left.

Santa’s goodies.

The drums were the highlight…they are actually from Mimi. I am not sure if I have blogged about this before, but every time we are at church…Seth wants to go to the sanctuary to play the drums. I have a great video of him playing, but for some reason I can’t get any of my videos to load at the moment??? So now Seth has his own set. It is so cute to watch him play.

Grammy and Seth watching Christmas cartoons.

The family

The best present Mommy has ever received…besides Jesus of course.