Day 7 of Thankfulness

My baby boy, my last of the bunch…I am so thankful for him.  He was a HUGE surprise for us, but one that we are thankful for and are so happy about!  He brings me so much joy.  He completed my dream of always wanting 5 children form the time I was a child.  He has by far been our easiest baby. (not that any of them were super hard!)  We call him our little mellow fellow. He just goes with flow wherever he is, kind of like the typical last child of a bunch that you hear about.
He is very smiley, and really only cries when he is hungry and sleepy.  I love this little boy, oh so very much!  He lights up when someone talks to him, and I think he looks a lot like his brother Levi, but can also see Seth in him.
He is a big boy, and loves to play in his exer-saucer, and watch his siblings run.  I can’t wait to see all that God has for this little one.