
I thought this video was funny, because Seth makes some funny faces.  In the beginning if you look closely, you can see him blink his eyes.  He was imitating me, because I got something in my eye and I kept blinking a bunch.  

Seth has really gotten into hitting things lately with his drum stick.  That’s what he is holding in the video.  He has gotten me really good right on the ankle bone, when I wasn’t looking.  He also tortures Samson with it!!!
So, this week I took the drum stick from Seth trying to teach him not to hit people/animals and started swinging at the air and making “pretend noises” like I was hitting something.  Now, every time I ask him to stop hitting something…he mimics my pretend noises!  BOYS!

Then he is stubborn and will not perform all of his animal sounds for me!!!  We did get a Tiger in there though!