Grammy Clause

Last weekend the kids and I left TN early to go spend the holidays with family in SC.  Grammy came up to TN and left a car for Scott to drive to SC when he comes, and rode with me, so I did not have to make the long trip alone with 5 kids.  
And I am so glad she did, because the car ride was “adventurous” to say the least.  We had two kids throw up from being car sick, two wet pants, and just the general complaining, fighting, whining, and needing to go to the bathroom and eat kind of things.  ðŸ™‚
My Mom told me I needed a car survival kit that just stays in the car with me permanently.  It should contain one-two outfits for each child, towels, wipes, extra diapers, blankets, car cleaner, trash bags and some aspirin.  ðŸ™‚
But before we headed out, Grammy Claus did her usual gift giving.

Once we arrived in SC, Grammy Claus also decided that they could open a present from under the tree.

The boys love seeing their cousins!

And Aunt Kelly loves her newest nephew and enjoyed seeing him for the first time.