Guard Dog and Caterpillar

We have recently found out in playing with Seth that he has a fear of stuffed toys that move. We have a hound dog that is stationary and sings Elvis’s Hound Dog and dances around and a then there is the Caterpillar that plays Skip to My Lou and creeps up and down across the floor like a worm.  The caterpillar really riles him up.  He is ok, if they are turned off, but if they move he gets frightened.

He is warming up to them a little more, but he needs Scott or I right beside him when they are on.
Well, thanks to my Mom, I got a good idea.
For a few weeks now we have been trying to teach Seth to not pull up on the TV and bang on the screen…therefore the hound dog and caterpillar are placed strategically in front of the TV. He now no longer goes near the TV.
Hey!!!  Whatever works, right?  🙂