
Ok, I have an incredible God story to share with you… I get the chills every time I think about it, and I might have cried when it first happened…. 🙂
I have to give you a long back story, so stick with me!
I am a part of two Facebook groups that have to do with Adoption from India.  One is a group of families that have adopted or in process just from my agency, and the other is a group of anyone that has adopted or in process from India from anywhere in the world and any agency.
Through the first Facebook group I have mentioned, Scott and I have made some very close friends.  Some of us actually got together over the summer and had a little picnic together and then all the women hung out and chatted into the wee hours of the night.
One family we got to know in particular were simply amazing to me.  They were a family I had mentioned in the blog a long time ago, or maybe on Facebook…. that signed up to adopt and got referred a sibling group of three girls.  They trusted God and went for it!
I was touched by their faith and their willingness to go from one child to three at God’s command.
Unfortunately, before my family left for India, my sweet friends lost their referral of these three girls to some unforeseen circumstances.  As you could imagine, they were heartbroken.  They had already made a bedroom for the three, and made plans in their hearts.  (I know what it is like to do that, and we almost lost Lyla)  I know they were devastated!
They decided to take a break, they were not ready for any referrals, and they just needed some time to pray.
Fast forward to several months later…. on the second Facebook group I mentioned, a lady posted about a little girl that has some health concerns that needed a loving family.  Something about this little girl’s story intrigued my friends.  
There were some impossible things in the way though… for example, our agency does not have a partnership with that particular orphanage and no partnership with any orphanages in that particular state.
So they were not sure our agency could even help them pursue this girl, or want too.
Thankfully our agency did want to help in anyway they could, and another praise…. the orphanage was willing to work with our agency!
Ok, I have been following my friends progress and rejoicing with them in these new findings about this little girl.
My friend had been emailing me some questions about this particular city her child is in, because it is the same place where Lyla had heart procedure done.  I answered her questions and told her I would be praying for her.
So that night, I was laying in the bed praying… and all of a sudden something hit me.
I remembered sitting in the hospital where Lyla had her procedure.  We had gotten to know the doctors really well that worked with Lyla.  The one that actually did her surgery was probably the one we got the closest too.  He is such a kind and generous person, and he truly loves and cares for children.
In fact, he had shown us several pictures of children in an orphanage that he personally sponsors.  He pays for their schooling, food, medical needs, and all kinds of extras.  He was showing me these pictures in the hospital like a proud Dad over his children.  It was heartwarming to see an Indian caring for orphans, because often in India, orphans are considered “untouchables”.  
Suddenly it dawned on me in the middle of the night, that one of the children he mentioned and showed me a picture of had the same medical needs of my friend’s child and they were in the same city.
I laid there and thought, God could you really have done this???
Shortly after the doctor showed us the pictures of the children, the Doctor had mentioned that he wished these children could have families like Lyla now does.
Scott and I prayed with the doctor for these kids that God would take care of them and provide wonderful families for them.
So again, I ask… God could you really have done this???
The next morning, I looked at a picture my friend had sent me of her future daughter,  Suddenly it started looking very familiar like I had seen the picture before.  
I could hardly contain myself!
Scott came home for lunch that day, and I told him the whole story and showed him the picture.  His face lit up, and he said it is indeed the same girl!
Of course, I had to tell my friend what potentially has happened and is going on here.  Of course, like me, she was shaken ( a good shaken) that God would work all of these things out for her to see and for her daughter.
Still, I wanted to confirm it was the same child, so we emailed the doctor.  
He confirmed it is the same girl, the same orphanage, and he even called her by her nick name.
This is when my tears began to flow!
We serve an awesome and amazing God who answers prayers.  And He is alive and working things out for the good of those who hope in Him.  He is pursuing His children with such great love and compassion!
First, I am still so in awe and a little in shock about this.
When you think… a friend of mine that is from my agency, heard about a child through a stranger, a child from an orphanage who our agency does not partner with, and this child was prayed for by Scott and I before this mom ever knew about her child by her friends.
Are you following me here???
This is crazy!!!  This can only be God!
When Scott and I prayed for this child, we had absolutely no idea who God would provide, and it turned out to be our friends…what would seem to be an impossible task, because of the factors mentioned before.
I think God is doing five things here:
He is showing that God answers prayers done in His will, and the Bible is clear… His will is for the orphan.
Next, He loves orphans so much that he would orchestrate this whole situation for one child.  A child that the world would turn their nose up at, because of her medical needs.
Third, I think He desires to show my friends how much He cares for them and He is control.  And that they can trust Him, even when things don’t turn out like you expect.
Fourth, He absolutely loves this one child and it’s obvious He has a special plan for her.
Fifth, I think He is also pursuing my dear friend the doctor.  To show him, that God truly is alive, and the one true God, and He cares for these kids and for the doctor!
Please pray for our friends, this precious child, and our good doctor friend!
I am excited to continue to see how more of this story pans out!
You can read about them here…

2 thoughts on “Incredible”

  1. We had an experience like this, too, where God allowed us to see what happened to a little girl in India (who has the same name as our soon-to-be daughter). We had prayed for her for months, and wondered if she was ever matched with a family — and He graciously and kindly allowed us to see (through a friend of a friend's sister) that she was in a family now and thriving! His eyes are on these sparrows, for sure!

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