My Super Hero is 5!!!

From the beginning of party planning, Seth was adamant that it had to be a Super Hero Party.  Fortunately this was also the same time that the Avengers movie came out… so there were lots of things available at the stores!
However, when you have some Super Nifty Crafty Talented friends… who needs WalMart???
Seth’s party was at the church.  We invited his baseball team, his class from school, some new neighborhood friends, and our church friends.  
Just when we thought it might storm… it blew over.
And the Super Heroes began to arrive.
‘Thor’tney (Aunt Courtney) arrived and saved the day, by helping me set up for the party!
Levi, I mean Hulk, was excited about his brother’s Bday Smash!
Even the preacher, who is in the business of saving lives daily, made it to the party!  ðŸ™‚

Ok, here is where the Super Friends step in… Check out the cake. The kids thought it was awesome,  especially Seth!  He still talks about his cake!  Then another friend made the cool cupcake toppers with her Cricut Machine.  


 Now onto some Super Hero Training with an Obstacle Course and a Bounce House

 Another Super Friend, Ms. Janet, racing one of the youth through the course.  She’s still got it!

 Levi not quite tall enough to make it over

 Captain America and Batman from school always have time to pose for pictures.

 And Hulk and his best bud love being silly!

 And yes, I did look like Super Woman that night in my t-shirt, and because my cool friends helped me give an awesome party!!!
One final shot of the powers of the Cricut Machine…
A Birthday Banner made with Superman Capes!!!