PreK Thanksgiving Feast with Levi

 I got to celebrate with the PreK classes at Westwood on Wednesday.  They were celebrating Thanksgiving, and there were some very cute indians (one really really really cute one in particular) and some cute pilgrims!  I love how Ms. Cathy is totally decked out in her pilgrim dress!
Levi is the little indian right in front of the man with the camera
One surprise for me that day was that Seth’s class dropped by to watch the festivities, so I snapped a quick shot of him and his buddy Owen.

Can you see my little Indian peeking around to look at me?

The exchanging of the friendship bracelets

Levi’s indian name was Wondering Wolf

 Next the kids performed a friendship dance.  Levi is across the way holding Ms. Cathy’s right hand

Love my little Indian
And finally the feast!