One of my favorite things to do is watch Scott and Seth together. It just warms my heart. Seth is basically a miniature version of his father. However, my Mom says Seth looks like my brother Brent when he was a baby, but I think Scott and Brent look very similar.
Anyways, when Scott picks up Seth and Seth just smiles back and coos…it is so cool! I just love it! Scott and I also love to stand over Seth’s crib or stare at the monitor and watch him sleep. We both talk about how we have the best baby and how we are so blessed.
We have also been talking about discipline recently. Probably because I have been going to a Mom’s discipleship group that has been studying parts of Growing Kids God’s Way and that has been the recent topic. It has been interesting to here other Mom’s share about their experiences. In fact I find their stories more valuable than the actual study. They have given me all of these great ideas to try with Seth in the future. I will let you know how it goes.
As for now, I am just enjoying this season in Seth’s life…eat, smile and talk for a little while, sleep….then eat, smile and talk for a little while, sleep….