While in Greenville, we were able to see family and a few friends. We never have time to see everyone we want too! But we try really hard!
This time, and it is so cool how God’s timing works… I went to India in 2005 and met several Indian pastors and ministers. One of them was a man named Dani Gupta. I fell in love with his family. He adopted 14 girls and they are all so precious.
This February I will be returning to India on a mission trip and as part of my trip I will be going to visit Dani and his family in Chennai.
It just so happens that Dani’s son goes to North Greenville University (my Alma mater), and he was dropping off his son for school this particular week. So, we were able to reunite and talk about the upcoming visit in India. It was a blessing to be with him again!
Seth and Levi with Nana
Papa making Levi laugh
Marion and Seth looking at Charlie the fish
Pops and the boys
We got to see some of our best friends, The Peaches, and introduce each other to our second children.
Seth and Jackson Peach
Peter and Levi
Baby Claire Peach
Levi and Court Court
It was a great trip and I hate I didn’t get to see all my friends and family. I love and miss you all!
But, you can come see us too! 85 does go both ways!