Sing with me…We are…

Family… all my aunts, uncle, cousins, great aunts/uncles, grandparents, great grandfather, 2nd and 3rd cousins and me.
We headed to SC to celebrate Thanksgiving, or should I say Thanksmas!  We don’t usually get together with family (or the same family) for the holidays, so my Mom combines our Thanksgiving and Christmas when we come in November.
This was also an extra special time, because family were meeting Lyla for the first time, and some were also meeting Joel for the first time.
Here is Lyla with Aunt Andrea and Uncle Larry
Lyla with her great grandfather Papa.  I loved her face in both pics, so I had to post two!
Then all the youngins’ that were there went on a boat ride.  A cold boat ride.
My beautiful cousin (one of them) and her awesome husband who is back overseas serving our country!
Lyla on her first boat ride
They could hardly move in their life jackets.

And there off, look at Pops leaning into that turn.  🙂

Just the cousins (minus 5 of them)
Cousins with spouses
Cousins with kids…:)

It is always so good to be “home” and to be with family!