So Much Has Happened in One Week

Since the last post, a week ago, Scott and I had a date night and went to see the new Batman Movie. We really liked it, and had a great time just being with each other!

I then headed to Greenville for a short trip to help host a shower for my future Sister-In-Law, Emily. Thankfully, my great friend Peggy from church went with me. I took her by my former church Taylors First Baptist to show her around. The shower was great and Emily and Brent got a lot of nice things.
We headed back to North Carolina on Saturday to get a call the next morning that my sister is now Miss South Carolina Teen. She was first runner up in July, but the young lady that won, Taylor Fitch…just won Miss America’s Outstanding Teen…so Courtney will now take her place as Miss SC Teen until next July. So that was pretty cool! Courtney also moved into college at USC while were there. She is pumped!
Also, my cousin Crawford was invited to play in the US Amateur. So, Scott and I were able to see him yesterday, because they played at Pinehurst…about an hour away from Raleigh. We are so proud of him for making it there!
Not to mention that Seth is really trying to talk more and more. I think he said “Love You” yesterday….more like “loooo juuuuu”. He also says “Pease” for please. He is saying Outside, flower, Mommy and Daddy and his all time favorite Monkey and a few others. But a lot of jibber jabber that I am still trying to figure out.
Baby Boy #2 is doing great as well. I keep thinking I feel him move every now and then, but I am still not quite sure that’s what I feel. I will know more in a couple of weeks I guess as it gets stronger.
That’s all Folks!

Crawford on the 18th hole in the orange shorts. Uncle Rob, the Caddy, in the yellow shirt. We are so proud of the C-Man!

Rob, Payne Stewart, and Crawford at Pinehurst

Rob and Crawford

Seth with Daddy out in the yard

Seth, Uncle Brent, and Annabelle

Aunt Emily giving Seth a bath

Seth and Aunt Courtney. Court gave Seth a mo hawk

Emily, Brent, and Seth

Picture from the shower

Brent and Nana

Emily opening gifts