Summer Trip to SC

Seth continued to celebrate his birthday in SC!
The first night, which I did not get any pictures of… we went out to eat with Grammy, Pops, and Courtney to a Mexican restaurant.  Grammy had bought a small cake.  As we started to eat it, the waiter asked us to hold on.
He came out with a fried ice cream and a group of singers.  Towards the end of the Happy Birthday song in Spanish… the waiter took a spoon and wiped ice cream on Seth’s face.
We started laughing and Seth thought it was funny… But… Levi was mad.  He got this mean look on his face and told the waiter that he better not do that to his big brother.  Then Levi told all of us it was not funny and to stop laughing.  Which made us laugh even harder… which got him even more angry.  And, he stared the waiter down.
It was rather comical to watch Levi be protective over his brother, but I was also happy to see how quick he came to his brother’s defense!
The next night we celebrated with Papa, and Gigi at their house.  Aunt Margi was there too.
The boys love Zoey!

Margi’s new puppy, Bella, was there too.  The boys loved playing with her as well.

Papa enjoyed meeting Katy Pierce for the first time.  Notice her smile at him.

And Gigi loved on her all night.
It was so nice to be back with our family in SC!  
More pics to come!