T- T- in the potty!

Seth has been showing a slight interest in going potty for the past 5 months.  Especially, after being around his 4 year old cousin in Mississippi…he really started showing an interest.  So he went this past Wednesday.  He asked to go and Scott was just about to give up, but then it happened.
Seth actually went one other time right before Levi was born, but has not done it since…until this week!  Since this 2nd victory, he has continued to ask and let us know when he needs a new diaper.
I hope he keeps on trying and that this is not another one hit wonder!

Over the past few months we have been trying  to encourage himwith jelly beans.  While in Mississippi and trying a whole lot more…he told me he wanted “birday cake”.
So he got his “birday cake” this week!!!
Here is a video…celebrate with us!