The Waiting Game

I apologize that I have been slow on the blogs lately.  It is probably, because there is not a whole lot of new news…unfortuantely.  Waiting is all we are doing right now, and I am trying to do a good job of it. (patiently)  🙂
We did have to resubmit our I- 800 forms for the adoption, because our daughter is considered having major special needs (with her heart condition) instead of minor and we were only approved for minor in our prior submission. 
But, we got approved!  However, it slowed our process down a few more months.
Right now the game plan is…
She gets her heart surgery done in October and Scott and I can not be there, because she will not be legally ours.  Therefore, we are flying a caretaker and our little one to Chennai for the surgery.
And, right now it looks like she will be ours in January.  There is a slight possibility of December being the date, which would be awesome to have her here for Christmas…but trying not to get my hopes up.
The part I am most concerned about now is her surgery.  I wish I could be with her during the whole process and during her recovery to love on her.  After all, she is my baby!
Thanks again for all the prayers and support!

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