To Katy Pierce on April 4th

I will never forget the day April 4, 2012.  You were born at 12:44pm.  Also something I will never forget, because it the reverse number order of your bday.
In one year, our family has been so very blessed!  Having a little girl has been so much fun for all of us!
Your oldest brother took right to you, and Levi… well, he had to adjust a little bit to not being the baby anymore. He was a little stand offish at first, but now you and he are buddies.  Especially since you two are home together most of the day while Seth is in school.  I will catch him giving you kisses and rubbing your head, but he still is not fond of you being in his space.  You don’t let that stop you… I almost think you know it irritates him and you just laugh and laugh as he runs from you or tries to keep you out of his room.  
You definitely have more hair than the boys have had at one year of age.  Which has been fun for me… I have been able to give you little pig tails (with those Pops calls you Cindy-Lou Who), and put in hair bows.  
You have got the cutest chunky little legs and fat feet!  They kind of remind me of my baby pictures.  
You absolutely love to eat!  A true Parkison in the making!  You are particular though… it seems you only want to eat what is on Mommy’s plate even though the same thing is on your high chair tray.  ðŸ™‚  You especially love carbs and fruit.  You will even eat a good bit of meat, but vegetables are a little harder to get you to eat.  They have to be seasoned or buttered well!  ðŸ™‚
You are not walking yet.  You are pulling up and walking while holding on to furniture.  You can crawl very well though, and get to where you want to go quickly… I might add.
You are so very cuddly.  You love to be held, hugged, and kissed. 
You are definitely a Mommy’s girl, but at the same time a Daddy’s girl.  You like to be near me all the time, in fact, you cry when we are in the same house, but not in the same room…. because you want to be right there with me.  While sometimes this can be frustrating because I can’t get things done… I secretly love it!  It warms my heart that you love me so much!  
You don’t cry as much over Daddy, but you adore him and want to be near him too.  Your eyes light up when he walks in a room and you hold out your little hands for him.  He thinks you are so special.  He calls you his “Honey Bee”… the boys have also picked that nick name for you.  When Daddy fusses at you for something like throwing food on the floor or whining… your brothers quickly tell Daddy… “You better be sweet to my Honey Bee.”  
Speaking of your little hands… you have always held out your hands and waved them when you want something.  You wave them to be held, to eat, to get a bottle… everything.  And it is the cutest!
Everyone at church loves you, of course!  You have really taken to Ms. Barbra in the nursery and you are very upset if she shows signs of holding anyone else in nursery!

You are quite the chatter box!  Mama was your first word, Dada was quick to follow.  You are like a little parrot.  You really try hard to repeat words.  You have gotten pretty good at saying your brothers’ names… “Le- I” 🙂  And “Set”.  Sometimes you just chatter away in your won little baby language as if we all know what you are saying, and we often pretend we do.  ðŸ™‚

You really enjoy music.  There is one particular VBS song that you love.  It is from Jeff Slaughter’s VBS World Tour.  I am pretty sure it is called “Deus Nos Ama”  It has some
Portuguese in it and on cue you  with the song you will say “ola” and “ay yai yai” It is precious!  You practically beg to hear it when we are in the car.

You adore your big brothers, but you don’t take any mess from them either.  You let them know you are the boss!  You definitely hold your own when you are with them.

You love to be strolled, and be outside.  You really like to be on the trampoline with your Daddy and brothers.

There is so much I could go on and on about… you are just so special to us!  And we love being your parents!  Happy first birthday KP, Honey Bee, Katy P, and Katy Pierce!  ðŸ™‚