VBS 2012

Here are just a few of the hundreds of pics i took from this year’s VBS.  This is the first time I have served as VBS Director.  We had 190 kids and 65 Volunteers/Leaders.
The best part… we had 20 decisions to follow Christ, one of those being a mom of one of the attendees.  She was listening to someone explain the gospel to her daughter and she approached Scott and said she needed to follow Christ too!  Since VBS she and her daughter joined the church and got baptized.  Now her husband just accepted Christ and he wants to share the gospel with their son… God is so awesome!  Also, the daughter that chose to follow Christ just shared the gospel with a friend and the friend got saved!!!  It just keeps going and going!  There are other kids making decisions too… can’t wait to see all God has in store.
Worship Rally Leaders
Music for the 3’s and 4’s Classes.  (you can spot my boys in the gray shirts)

Worship Rally… tossing around the missions globe like we were at a concert.  The kids loved it!

Signing to one of the songs called Worthy.  Our adult choir actually sang Worthy with the kids on Sunday following VBS and it was powerful!

Here is a shot of Levi playing during recreation time.