Seth and Samson

When we arrived home from the hospital, I was all prepared to introduce Baby Seth to Samson…following all of the wonderful advice you all sent me.

Our wonderful neighbors kept Samson while we were gone. They own a Bijoun poodle, Brady, and he and Samson are best friends. They called and warned us that they thought Samson had somehow injured his paw when they let him outside, but Samson would not let them touch his paw. We told them not to worry about it…he probably had a spur etc.

Well, when we got home Samson couldn’t even put pressure on his paw. He was hobbling along on three legs. It was so pitiful. Scott immediately took him to the vet and we found out he broke his paw in three places. Our neighbors felt horrible, but it was totally an accident. They don’t even know how it happened. The vet said he could have jumped off something and landed on it funny…

As sorry as we felt for Samson with his new cast…Scott and I believe it is a blessing in disguise. Samson is ultra calm right now and he has been so gentle with Baby Seth. In fact….it is the sweetest thing…Samson will let me know when Seth is crying. He will run into the baby’s room and start whining when he hears Seth crying and then he will run or should I say hobble and let me know something is not right with Seth. He continues to run back and forth until I get the baby. It is so sweet!

So needless to say…Samson and Seth are tight! 🙂

Here are some more pics for your viewing pleasure! Be sure to check out Scott’s blog as well for more pics. There is a link to him on my blog…but just in case…