TFBC Staff Shower

A couple of weeks ago, the Page family hosted a ministerial staff baby shower for Scott and me. It was a lot of fun! One of the best parts was playing some games that Mrs. page had come up with. One in particular that I wanted to share with everyone is the one pictured to the right.

Mrs. Page had all of the women blow up balloons for their spouses. She wanted the men to see how difficult it is to perform simple tasks when pregnant. They had to stuff the balloon up their shirt and once everyone was ready; they had a contest to see who could tie their shoes the fastest.

It was hysterical to see all the men look like they are pregnant and of course they were all making comments that they have heard their wives say. Dr. Page kept fanning his eyes saying this was too emotional for him. Needless to say…we all had a great laugh!

Oh…and Larry Bateman won!